Channel: Active questions tagged korbanos-ketores-prayers - Mi Yodeya
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Yehi ratzon for the rebuilding of the Temple

It is a common Ashkenazi minhag to say a Yehi ratzon for the rebuilding of the Temple. The text is based on the words inserted between the two quotes of Yehuda ben Teima in Pirkei Avot...

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Why do nusach Ashkenaz shuls outside of Israel skip reciting the korbanot...

According to this article reciting parashat hatamid is considered a chiuv deoraita (biblical obligation) at least by Rabbeinu Yonah ( more than can be said about most other parts of davening). Yet in...

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What is the minimum number of lines on a klaf?

I remember hearing once that sifrey Tanach had to have a required minimum number of lines when written on a klaf and that this requirement is often not followed by those writing "parshas ketores" and...

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Why is the wording of the beraita consistently switched between shacharit and...

There's a certain beraita (ת״רפיטוםהקטורת...‏) quoted in the gemara on כריתותו.‏ which is recited both as part of the morning order of korbanot as well as after musaf. There are a few different girsot...

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Why was it important that the smoke from the ketoret went up in a straight...

According to the discussion by Chazal (mYoma 3:11, bYoma 38a) it would seem that there was a preference or benefit to the fact that the smoke from the burning of the ketoret (incense) in the Beit...

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Why do we recite korbanos for Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh but not festivals...

During our recitation of korbanos in shacharis we add pesukim from Torah pertaining to the Shabbos korbanos on Shabbos and the Rosh Chodesh korbanos on Rosh Chodesh. Why do we not also recite korbanos...

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Sources from Tanach for Praying in Minyan

I’ve got a question about people praying together. Hence from were in the Tanach, from which verse(s) or context, did the idea or concept for group/communal/collective prayer developed from? Or is it...

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Mishnah Berura: Saying Korbanos

When the Mishnah Berura wants to explain why we say Korbanos every day he writes in 1:13:ופרשתהקרבנות, דאמרינןבמנחות: "זאתתורתהחטאת", כלהעוסקבתורתחטאתכאילוהקריבחטאת.‏and the paragraph of Korbanos, as...

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Why don't we say Ein KeLokeinu on Tisha BeAv?

Many have a custom not to say the Shir Shel Yom or Ein Kelokeinu on Tisha BeAv morning.Why not?

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Why is Maimonides View of Korbanot not Consistent with Messianic Times

Maimonides theorized in his "Guide to the Perplexed" that Hashem did not favor korbanot (animal sacrifices), but allowed them due to the difficulty changing the nature of people. This is in the context...

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Korbanos and Ketores: Only Biblical passages for the former

When we recite psukim in the morning that pertain to the korbanos and then, afterwards, to the burning of ketores, why do we limit ourselves to passages from the Torah when it comes to the former, but...

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Explain "En K-elo-heinu" for Nusach Ashkenaz in Israel

I hope that my memory regarding Nusach Ashkenaz as practiced in Israel is correct, here.For Nusach Ashkenaz, one of the main differences between Israel and the diaspora that I recall is including En...

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Why is an asham of greater holiness than a pesach offering? [duplicate]

The korbanot section in the daily siddur (Zevachim 5) describes the types of korbanot, where they were offered and the level of holiness of each type. Why are ashamot (guilt offerings) of greater...

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Why does the text of Pitom Ketores tell me that one maneh was used per day...

Please help with my understanding of the ketores. I must be making an elementary mistake. The recitation of the formulation of the incense here and in my siddur explains that...

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Reciting the 'Yehi Ratzons' in Eizehu Mekoman on Erev Yom Kippur

As part of the recitation of the mishnayot of eizehu mekoman during shacharit, some siddurim print a yehi ratzon prayer after each of mishnayot 3 - 7, asking that G-d consider our recitation of these...

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What is the Gemara referring to when it speaks about the davening portion of...

The Gemara in both Taanit (27b) and Megilla (31b) say that Avraham asked HaShem how the Jews would repent without a temple. HaShem answers that He already enacted a portion of korbanos to say and it...

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Stressed syllable of באה

Yesterday I was looking at the text of how the incense had been prepared. In my ArtScroll book it is written:בֹּרִיתכַּרְשִׁינָהלָמָההִיאבָֽאָהA bit later it...

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Is there a proper order of davening for one who learns before minyan?

For someone who learns before davening with a minyan, is it proper to say korbanot before learning? Or is it more proper to wait until after learning to say it with the minyanim. I am curious if there...

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What Korbanot do people say before Mincha?

I want to try and say some Korbanot before Mincha, however, none of the siddurim I use provide it in the Mincha section. It starts with Ashrei. What do people commonly say?i.e, Kiyor, Terumat Hadeshen,...

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Why is Aramaic "tlasah" used for wine in ketoret, where spices are counted in...

In Talmud Keritot 6a, read in the siddur, it states,קילופהשלשהוקנמוןתשעהבוריתכרשינהתשעהקביןייןקפריסיןסאיןתלתאקביןתלתאWhy is the Hebrew שלשה used for "three" (hin) in counting קילופה, cinnamon,but the...

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