Since today we don't have the temple and it's said one who recites korbanot even parsha hatamid in paticular it's as if he brought a the korban tamid. Halacha also says that korbanot may not be offered anywhere else but only at the beis hamikdash and today the shuls represent the beis hamikdash. If that is, how come its permitted to recite parsha hatamid at home ? wouldn't that be offering tamid from home from a place not permitted to give korbanot from ? The prayers today are in place of the korbanot for lack of the beis hamikdash, refers to amidah in paticular, not reciting korbanot passages, isn't it?
I read online (i think it was the geonim if i remember) that one can recite korbanot at shacharis, but doesn't have to at mincha. Anyone know why ?